33 Wedding Guest Book Ideas for Every Wedding Style
Get ready to bookmark this page, because today we’re breaking down our
favorite wedding guest book ideas! While guest books used to be a pretty
standard (r...
A Post for Ash Wednesday
While Mormonism has a fairly sparce liturgical calendar, Chicago, it turns
out, is a very Catholic city. And I teach at a Jesuit university. Most
years I’m...
Russell M. Nelson’s Calendar Unleashed!
A few days ago, Russell M. Nelson announced the long-awaited dates for the
Salt Lake Temple open house: April to October . . . of 2027. As he appears
to be...
Summertime Sweets
Hey friends! I pulled together a bunch of sweet treats that would be
super fun served up this summer. Check these out if you are looking for a
cute tre...
The Honest Co Baby Wipes, in Stock on Target.com
We tracked down baby wipes in stock online at Target.com and available for
pickup or shipping. There’s also a 10% off coupon for The Honest Co brand
Trick مترجم فيلم كامل عبر الإنترنت English 2019
فTrick مترجم كامل يتدفق عبر الإنترنت 2019 يلم كرتون 2019 Trick كامل مدبلج
عربي-مشاهدة فيلم كامل Trick Trick ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐فيلم كامل باللغة العربية 2019 عبر
Come Follow Me “correction” As Harmful As Before
Dear Latter-day Saints, The latest online correction to the Come Follow Me
manual has me thinking deeply about how we, as Christian people, wrestle
with sc...
Feminist Trivia Team Names
Yesterday I went to a really fun women's history trivia night at our local
library in honor the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment getting
through Con...
cara mengobati gatal di kulit selangkangan
Cara mengobati penyakit gatal Jika orang terkena penyakit gatal pasti punya
ke inginan mengobatinya. Karena rasa gatal sangat membuat tubuh merasa
tidak ny...
Hadrian – A Birth Story
First, let’s start at the end. I gave birth to a little baby boy at 8:41 am
on December 8th 2014. After a long, rainy night, he was born not long
after th...
GUYS! Thought of you today. It's seriously INSANE to think I blogged my
first blog FIVE years ago! HOW HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG??? Love that it's long
enough ...
My New Year's Wish
I'm on my way down to St. George to ring in the New Year with a little bit
more heat and a few new friends...
But I couldn't go without telling you my New ...
We Moved!!!
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either cakewrecks.com or
Add an energetic twist to your party with a fun and unique cheerleading
• Fun warm up games
• Pom poms provided
• Will come to your party v...
I am not homeless or alone or poor. Sometimes I’m content to be ignored.
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe. Believing is what saves me in
Changes are coming my way...
So based on my last post, I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog nowadays
(seriously? NOBODY cares??), but I'll go ahead and put this news up here
anyway. ...
What's your favorite kind of casserole? So far the only kind I've made has
involved chicken and rice, along with various "cream of" soups. Delicious,
#136: My So-Called Life
Though very specific to white people who were going through an awkward
phase in 1995 (basically anyone between eleven and forty), My So-Called
Life’s reson...
Oh look, I have a blog...
Well gee, the poll sure clarified things. (NOT.) Fifty-two percent to
forty-seven percent. Not exactly a clear winner there. But thanks for doing
it anyway...
Once upon a time there was a sower who, when she was born, was given a plot
to grow whatever she wanted on it. She was told that it was the best piece
of e...
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