Does anyone besides me think that this blog is kind of a strain on the eyes? Like the colors or the title or something. It should probably be a little bit more interesting. I mean, right now it's probably only interesting to those who stalk me...but even they're bound to get bored once in a while.
Well....here's the THIRD...THIRD attempt at finding a ring I like. Too much? It's got rubies and pearls. I personally wish it was yellow gold...and even though it's victorian ( My favorite), it seems a wee bit flowery demasiado. Thoughts?
so...why in heaven's name are you spending money on a ring?
have you tried ebay?
And I support your ring endeavors, m'dear.
I too support your ring endeavors. And you can do better than this one. Come shopping with me, I know a fun store where we might be able to find you some pretties!
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