a. I FOUND IT.. THE LOOK I've been trying to go for since I got out of sparkles and embroidered butterflies in the eighth grade. Behold! Jessica Biel in the Illusionist! She has the look I always wanted and strive for! It's glorious! The hair! Her dresses! It was like visual CANDY!
b. Today my teacher praised me on "embracing my inner child". She told me this when i told her that I forgotten my lesson plan. I don't know about you, but my inner child was ON TOP OF IT with homework. It's more likely I'm embracing my inner college student....which is also my outer college student. I think that THAT LADY'S inner back-handed compliment giver and my inner child need to DUKE IT OUT! This is especially offensive since I've spent the last few decades trying to comfine my inner child to a cardboard box in the basement. Is that like inner-child abuse? I guess I'm now coming to grips with my inner child. She's pretty cool, confident, fabulous and adorable...see above.
c. I just turned in the worst paper I have ever written ever. I am going to die and my grades will never forgive me.
d. Confession TIME! Sometimes I over-eat and don't shower with the actual honest-to-goodness intent of being unattractive. I actually feel more motivated and in control if I'm not running away from males. It's like I'm actually my own person and can do whatever I want!
d.5- I am having a hard time coming to grips with the idea of a long-term relationship of any kind. I mean, do I really want to MARRY all those idiosyncrasies?
e. I am taking a hyatus. I'm calling it "Shell regrowth time". I'm really liking it. It's like a vaction/off-season training regimen for my sanity. "It's ok sanity, Megan ( and her flakey inner child) will take care of you."
f. I hate the word flakey. It always reminds me of like a flakey scalp. I also hate the word chuncky. I don't think of fat people as "chunky". I think of Campbell's chunkey soup, or chocolate chunk icecream as chunky. "Chunky" people do not have big chunks in them. That'd be weird looking and not nearly as pillowy.
g.There are many films I want to see. I post everything I want, that can be publically known, on facebook. This is actually just a useful tool I use for my own reference, so that there is an easy way to get back to the cool things I find.
Love Megan
i. So I went to the U of U/ BYU game this week. I sat on the Ute side and wore red. It was actually a blast and one of the funnest things I've done in a while. I was even on the winning side and rushed the feild. No joke. Loved it. It was kind of a schizophrenic experience , though. " YESSSSS! WE WON!...no...wait a minute....where...am...I?" Being an undercover BYU student at a Ute game is always fun. One second they're giving everyone the finger and screaming, but accidentally bump into them and they turn into the nicest ladies and gentlemen you've ever met. After the game ( 300-something dollar ticket game...which I didn't pay), I ate at (what I believe is called) The Texas Roadhouse. Pulled Pork and Ribs Baby. Pulled Pork and Ribs.
j. My sister has a book club now. If only I was literate enough to do things like read. I might order one of the books she's got and try to talk to her about it, as a form of social insurance.
k. I need to get some basic things like ironing and hygein out of the way. It's been too long.
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