Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Chant.

I will not self-destruct. I will not self-destruct.
I can't help others if I self-destruct.
I will not self-destruct.

I have GOT to do my homework. I can not allow myslef to self-destruct, even though everything is trying to destroy me. I will not self-destruct. My Parents and Sibling will help me. I will not self-destruct. I need to work-out and not be silent any more. Scratch that. I will just have to be still for a little while and pick my battles. I will not self-destruct.

I just really want to sometimes though.

It's a little painful to think that most women go through this at a later stage is life. Am I really alone?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

...wait, why can't you talk to your mom?