"From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry. "- Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice
Is he really as big a creep as he seems? I can't freakin' read this guy.
I think he's just a pompous creep. He should just date my tolerant friends who might remain unaware or ignore such behavior.
YOUR friend IS the creep you think him. End of discussion. Try for a new Austen hero, there are other options you know.
Indeed. I must carefully choose an Austen hero who is both not so liberal that he will justify himself in all behavior, and yet not so conservative to end the relationship based on bigotry and ignorance, even if he appears perfect in every other measure. So, what have I got? Captain Wentworth? Col. Brandon? Military men....I knew it.
I dunno...Wentworth spent the better part of a decade in a snit because of a misunderstanding. Which is, let's face it, something you or I would do. Having one's partner do the same cannot be comfortable.
Mmm. Military men. (Although I've found civilians quite nice).
I prefer a Knightley. Guy who calls you out when you mess up, but helps you fix it and isn't bogged down by conventions. Nice.
I've always had a soft spot for that Knightly guy. I'm for it.
I need a Knightly.
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